Colorado Springs Car Accident Lawyer
At ELKUS & SISSON, P.C., our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience to navigating complex legal challenges with precision and dedication.

Safety is a high priority in Colorado Springs—despite that, the city is known for its unsafe roads and frequent car crashes. In 2020, Colorado Springs set a record for the most deadly traffic crashes. In light of this, it is crucial that you know what to do after a crash and what your rights are if you are injured.
Once you’ve gotten checked out by a doctor and you’re ready to talk more about your accident, it’s time to talk to a Colorado Springs car accident lawyer. Set up a free consultation with Colorado Accident Attorneys now by calling us at 303-567-7981.
Common Causes of Automobile Collisions
Law enforcement in Colorado Springs maintains extensive data on local collisions. In general, accident numbers have trended upwards over the years, with the exception of a decrease during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Per this data, some of the most common causes of collisions in Colorado Springs include:
- Careless driving
- Failure to yield
- Following too closely
- Unsafe use of lanes
- Failure to stop at stop sign or traffic signal
- Unsafe backing
- Unsafe turning
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Improper passing on left or right
- Turning from the wrong lane
When it comes to fatal crashes, the most common causes are careless driving, speeding, and reckless driving.
Although crashes can happen anywhere, some areas of Colorado Springs are more dangerous than others. The downtown neighborhood sees the greatest number of crashes, followed by eastern neighborhoods like Rustic Hills, Austin Estates, and Eastborough. Pulpit Rock in the northern part of the city also reports a significant number of collisions.
Types of Compensation for Car Accidents
After a car accident, you may be able to recover several types of damages from the liable party. The first type of compensation you may receive is economic damages. Economic damages are the easiest to calculate, as they include actual, measurable financial losses. They include medical bills, lost wages, and other losses with a clear financial value. Another type of compensation you may receive is non-economic damages. This category includes pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability, and disfigurement. These losses don’t have an obvious set financial value. However, since financial compensation is the only way you can be made whole in a personal injury claim, these losses must be assigned a financial value. Your attorney can help you understand how non-economic damages are calculated in Colorado.
In rare cases, you may also be awarded exemplary damages in Colorado. Better known as punitive damages, this type of compensation is entirely separate from the two described above. While economic and non-economic damages exist solely to make the victim whole, punitive damages are awarded for the purpose of punishing the liable party. A jury may award punitive damages if the liable party showed willful and wanton misconduct, which is obviously dangerous behavior done without regard to consequences. Awards including punitive damages are rare, simply because the individual’s misconduct must be extremely egregious.
How Colorado Car Accident Attorneys Can Support You After a Crash
After your collision, you may be wondering if you need a car accident lawyer. At this point, the at fault party’s insurance company may have already reached out to you. Many people misinterpret this as a good sign and believe that the at fault insurance company is going to be fair.
It’s not quite that simple. While the at fault party’s insurance adjuster likely realizes that they are at fault, they are definitely not ready to offer a fair settlement. They are reaching out to you so quickly because they want you to agree to a low settlement before you figure out how serious your injuries are. If they get you to waive your right to sue early on, they are off the hook if your injuries increase in severity.
That’s why it’s important to hire an experienced car accident attorney in Colorado Springs as soon as possible. We have seen every single tactic and technique that insurance companies use to take advantage of victims, and we know how to combat them. Whether they try to blame the accident on you, demand access to your medical records so they can blame a preexisting injury, or just claim that your injuries aren’t worth anything, you can feel confident knowing that we’ll advocate for you in every way we can. While most cases settle out of court, we are also prepared to take your case in front of a judge if necessary.
Contact Our Team Today and Find Out If You Have a Claim
Don’t try to take on the insurance company on your own, especially as you’re trying to tend to your injuries. Let the team at Colorado Accident Attorneys handle your claim. Schedule your consultation now by reaching out online or calling us at 303-567-7981.
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