Highly Experienced Denver Divorce Attorneys
At ELKUS & SISSON, P.C., our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience to navigating complex legal challenges with precision and dedication.

Do I Need a Lawyer if I Am Getting Divorced?
In most cases, the answer is yes. Unless you and your spouse work out an “uncontested” divorce where every aspect is agreed upon after receiving full and transparent financial disclosures from the other Party. If not, then it is wise to hire an attorney who is genuinely willing to fight to protect your best interests.
Even if a party believes a divorce is uncontested, it is still wise to have an attorney review any potential agreement before signature to make sure the process is complete, both parties have disclosed financials fully, and that the agreement is fair and equitable.
The laws that govern divorce proceedings in Colorado can be difficult to navigate. An experienced Denver divorce attorney will help the process go as smoothly as possible. Your lawyer can also be an excellent source of information, advice, and support as you work through one of the biggest challenges you’ll ever face.
We will file a petition for dissolution of marriage and help you detail the grounds for which you are filing. When you hire us, we will help you build a divorce roadmap, and create a strategy that is unique to you and your situation to ensure all steps are achieved efficiently and properly.
Greenwood Village Divorce Lawyer Serving Denver, CO
Elkus & Sisson, P.C. are divorce attorneys in Greenwood Village located just a short drive from downtown Denver. Our address is 7100 E Belleview Avenue, Suite 101 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (open in Google Maps). Call us today at (303) 567-7981 or fill out a contact form and we will call you to schedule an appointment to discuss your options for divorce.
Two Things to Consider When Filing for a Divorce
There are so many issues surrounding a divorce and it may be overwhelming. Below are considerations, questions, and advice on a lot of things you will need to think about. Here are two helpful additional articles that may help answer your divorce questions:
The Length of Time You Need to Wait Until the Divorce Is Final
In Colorado, you will need to wait a minimum of 91 days after the filing if you and your spouse filed together If you filed alone, you must wait 91 days from the date on which your spouse was served. Another thing to note is that in Colorado you or your spouse must live for at least 91 days in the state of Colorado before filing for divorce. If your spouse denies your claim that the marriage is irretrievably broken, the court could have a hearing on that issue although if one spouse wants the divorce, the Court will inevitably grant it.
Child Support
This is typically a highly emotional topic so it is crucial your attorney understands your situation and is willing to build a customized plan. If children under the age of 19 are involved in a divorce settlement, then child support must be considered.
Colorado uses a Child Support Worksheet which helps parties determine the appropriate amount of child support.
The data that is considered includes::
- the amount of time the parent will be spending with the child
- the income of each parent
- expenses such as child care, education, and health insurance costs
- other child support orders the paying parent has and any alimony that they pay or receive
The child support formula is based on the idea that the child should be financially supported to the same degree that they would be if their parents were married. The court generally assumes that parents will spend a set percentage on their children, based on how many children they share. The formula adds the parents’ income together, calculates how much would be owed from the combined amount, and then splits it based on each parent’s parenting time. At times, if the Court finds a sufficient legal basis to do so, it may deviate from these child support guidelines, if appropriate.
Spousal Maintenance
What Is Spousal Maintenance? Spousal Maintenance is also known as spousal support or “alimony,” but in Colorado, the correct term is “spousal maintenance”. Spousal maintenance is a monthly payment to your former spouse. Laws governing spousal maintenance vary from state to state so it is important to consult with an experienced divorce attorney with extensive experience in Colorado.
Factors Considered for Spousal Maintenance Payments
- Earnings potential
- Length of time the couple was married
- Age and physical well-being
- Standard of living the spouses enjoyed during the marriage
- The ability for the paying spouse to fulfill the financial obligations
- Child support received by the recipient
- Assets given to the recipient during the divorce
The length of time a spouse is obligated to pay spousal maintenance is determined by the judge and is unique to each case. It can range for a set amount of time or until the death of the receiving spouse. In some cases, alimony can even be paid once as a lump-sum payment. For some payers, this can be less painful than making monthly payments for years. Payments can also be terminated if the receiving spouse is remarried.
The Courts use a Maintenance Advisement Worksheet which is a guideline for the parties and the Court to determine if maintenance is warranted. Usually, a couple must be married more than 3 years to get maintenance but this is still up to the Court’s discretion.
Spousal support calculations in Colorado are generally based on whether the couple’s combined income is less or more than $75,000 per year. When the couple’s total income is less than $75,000 per year, the court uses a complex calculation to determine whether or not the lower-earning spouse is owed alimony. When the couple’s total income is more than $75,000 annually, the judge has considerably more discretion in determining spousal support payments.
Allocation of Parental Rights of Children (APR)
This refers to allocation of parenting time and decision making of the minor children.
It’s important to note that while these terms are widely accepted and used in family law, Colorado does not use this same terminology. Rather than “custody,” Colorado uses “parental responsibilities. In lieu of “physical custody,” Colorado uses the term “parenting time”. Instead of “legal custody,” Colorado uses the term “decision-making responsibility.”
In general, the court prefers to allow both parents to have decision-making responsibility. However, they may allow one parent to have decision-making responsibility if the other has been abusive or has proven themselves incapable of making good decisions for their child.
Parenting time is an umbrella term that refers to both physical custody and visitation. As a general rule, the court would often like to see shared parenting time but the standard is always what is in the best interests of the minor children.
Who Gets Custody of the Children After a Divorce?
In all cases the goal is to do what is best for the children involved. Some factors that lead to determining who will get legal custody of a child may include:
- Age of the child
- The current and future environment of the child
- The mental and physical conditions of each parent
- Previous abuse (emotional or physical)
- Drug or alcohol use of the parents
- The preference of the child
- Determining the primary caretaker of the child
It is crucial to remember that the court’s primary priority is always the best interests of the child.
Dividing Property
In Colorado, the law requires a resolution that is fair to both sides. It is possible for the divorcing couple to come to terms on their own. However, when there are many assets at stake it makes the most sense to hire an experienced divorce attorney to assist with property division.
Property division (property settlement) during a divorce case may be based on:
- The income and financial situation of each person
- Which spouse has legal custody of the children
- The overall value of the assets or property awarded to each spouse
- Future earning potential of each spouse
What Is the Difference Between Marital Property and Non-Marital Property?
Marital property refers to assets that were acquired during the marriage while Non-marital property refers to assets that were gained before the marriage. This can also be a complex issue, another reason to choose the legal services of Elkus & Sisson.
Dividing Up Real Estate in a Divorce
If you acquired a property during the marriage and you still have a mortgage on that property then there are several things you can do.
- One thing to consider is listing the property for sale. However, depending on the housing market that might not be possible or desirable. This option is ideal if neither party wants the home and can cooperate long enough to prepare the home for showings and navigate the real estate deal.
- Another option is to refinance the property so that sole ownership goes to one of the spouses. This takes the other spouse’s name off the property. This may not be optimal if interest rates are high or the spouse who wants the home cannot pay for it on their own.
- You can also do nothing and the divorcing couple needs to jointly be responsible for making payments on the mortgage. This rarely occurs as courts prefer to divide assets and keep the parties from having to continue an entanglement that has proved to be difficult.
There can be a lot of assets at stake when real estate is involved so strong legal advice is important. If you’re struggling to figure out what’s best for you, you may want to start by looking at your parental responsibility agreement. For some couples, it makes sense for the parent with primary parenting time to keep the marital home for the sake of the children. They may even agree to keep the home until the children grow up and leave and sell it after that.
Can I Afford a Divorce Attorney?
Identifying Financial Resources During a Divorce
A divorce can be expensive, and knowing how you will support yourself through the divorce proceedings can provide some much-needed security and reassurance. Many people aren’t aware of what financial assets are available to them, but this information is what will enable you to budget and pay for a variety of professional services you need throughout your divorce.
Furthermore, it is always advisable to stay current with your bills and other payments throughout your divorce to ensure that you are not left in a precarious financial position after the divorce is finalized. Examples of financial resources that may be available to you include:
- Stocks
- Mutual Funds
- Credit Lines
- Mortgages
- Real Estate investments
- Savings and checking accounts
Still not sure if you can afford an attorney? Consider this: many people who choose to handle their divorce on their own ultimately end up hiring a lawyer anyway. There is a lot at stake during a divorce, and attempting to negotiate on your own could easily cost you tens of thousands of dollars in lost assets or a substantial loss of parenting time. Many people find that not hiring a divorce lawyer from the very beginning is more expensive than hiring one. If cost is a top concern for you, bring it up when you schedule a free consultation. You can find out if the attorney you’re considering accepts payment plans or other flexible options. If not, you can keep looking—remember, you’re under no obligation to hire the first lawyer you speak with.
Advice for Anyone Considering a Divorce
If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, here are some additional tips and considerations:
- Try to give yourself and family time and space before starting a new relationship.
- Be considerate of the emotional toll it will take on the children
- Reach out for support amongst peers and friends
- Get your financial records organized
- Plan and budget for life after the divorce
Preparing for a Divorce Attorney Consultation
It is best to be as prepared as possible when you have your first consultation meeting with your divorce attorney. The best thing you can do is be upfront and honest about any questions you are asked. You will also want to have a list of questions prepared. Here are some examples:
- Who will be working on my case?
- Who will be making court appearances?
- How much can I expect to pay?
- Are there ways I can minimize the cost?
- Do you have any references I can contact?
- Who is my primary contact at the law firm?
Of course, you will want to come up with your own list but these are some things to think about as you prepare. View an in-depth article on how to prepare for a divorce attorney consultation.
It’s helpful to bring any relevant documentation to your consultation. Remember, this is your chance to give your potential attorney the full scope of your marital situation and ask all of the questions you have. You may want to bring financial records and proof of marital assets, communication between you and your spouse, any efforts to hide assets or withhold parenting time, and a list of your top concerns.
We Know That Divorce Is Never Easy
No one plans to get divorced, and at Elkus & Sisson, P.C., we acknowledge that this process will be a painful one. Our laws take a compassionate, collaborative approach that keeps your goals and your interests in mind.
For over 15 years, we have been representing individuals in the Denver and Rocky Mountain areas, and we always take the time to create long-term relationships with our clients.
To receive help with your divorce from an experienced divorce attorney, call Elkus & Sisson, P.C. at (303) 567-7981 or fill out a contact form now and we will reach out to you.
Top Rated Lawyers in the State of Colorado

Common Types of Family Law

In Colorado, the laws surrounding divorce can be difficult to navigate. You do have the option to work out an uncontested divorce between you and your spouse. If this is not possible then it is important to find an experienced divorce lawyer. Even if you and your spouse are currently cooperating while navigating divorce, discussing your options with an attorney can be helpful. Divorce attorneys provide several services that will help you move on with your life. Things you will need to address when getting divorced include the division of property and assets, determination of allocation of parental rights (“child custody”) (if applicable), and spousal maintenance payments. Our family attorneys will also be able to provide you with the needed legal advice during the divorce. There are several things that you should and should not do to help you strengthen your case—that’s one reason we recommend talking to an attorney as soon as the divorce is being considered. In the gap between deciding on divorce and hiring an attorney, this “learning phase” will allow you to avoid making critical mistakes that take additional time, work, and money to fix. Protect yourself from the very beginning with our team’s representation.
Find out more information about the services our divorce attorneys provide.

Spousal Support
Spousal Support
Some divorce settlements require one spouse to pay spousal support to the other. Once referred to as alimony, this is now called spousal maintenance/support. Spousal support seeks to give a lower-earning spouse financial stability if there is a major earning disparity and if usually is considered if the marriage is at least 3 years.For example, divorce cases involving a high-earning spouse and a stay-at-home parent are likely to involve spousal support. The length of your marriage is also a contributing factor; someone married for a very short period will likely not pay or be paid alimony upon the end of the marriage but it is always in the court’s discretion However, an individual who was married for 20 or more years before divorcing could find themselves paying or receiving lengthy or permanent spousal support, which only terminates upon the death of the receiving party or remarriage of the receiving party.
Learn more about spousal support and how our firm can help you.

Child Custody
Child Custody
Allocation of parental Responsibilities (“Child custody”) is a subject that divorcing couples will need to confront. It can be emotionally draining and very complex. There are several factors that will help the court decide on the custody and visitation rights of parents and/or grandparents. Our family attorneys are experienced in the areas of:
- Visitation and parenting time
- Father’s rights
- Grandparents’ rights
- Parenting Time modification
If you are going through a divorce you may need to learn more about our services relating to child custody battles.

Child Support
Child Support
Doing what is in the best interest of the children should be at the heart of every child custody case. The Courts utilize a child support worksheet which demonstrates each party’s financial responsibility for the children (child) based on income, overnights and other factors. Our family attorneys will help calculate the needs based on financial records and statements to make sure your children are taken care of. Extensive medical care needs, extracurricular activities, childcare expenses, and other factors can increase or decrease child support. In most cases, the party who has the child the majority of the time receives child support paid by the parent with parenting time.
Explore our child support services to find out how we can help you.

Property Settlement
Property Settlement
To get the best results of property settlement cases during a divorce you need to have a skillful attorney with extensive experience. Property division can be very complex and exhausting when you start to include multiple properties, stocks, bonds, vehicles, etc… Assets that are considered “marital” and “non-marital” can also be complicated. Property that was acquired during the marriage will most likely need to be considered “marital” and things that were accumulated outside the marriage are most likely “non-marital”. It’s especially important to work with an experienced attorney if you and your spouse have a large and varied portfolio of assets. A fair division of assets depends on the accurate identification and valuation of each asset. Other situations also call for an attorney with extensive experience, including situations where you suspect that your spouse is attempting to hide assets or divorces involving hard-to-trace assets like cryptocurrency and NFTs.
Find out more about the services our property settlement attorneys provide.

Fathers' Rights
Fathers' Rights
Custody laws vary from state to state. This can have a significant effect on custody battles for fathers. According to Colorado law parenting time is based on what is in the best interests of the minor children. The Courts want the parties to be involved and to have joint decision making, when it’s appropriate and in the children’s best interests. Many fathers go into divorce or custody battles assuming that the odds are already against them and that the court will automatically side with the mother which is not the case and not the law. The court recognizes the importance of both parents in a child’s life. Whether you’re establishing your rights as a divorcing father or during a “custody” battle, know your rights and don’t give up before you’ve even started.
If you are a father involved in a custody battle then have a look at our guide that includes eight tips for fathers going through a child custody case.

Grandparents' Rights
Grandparents’ Rights
Grandparents often have special relationships with their grandchildren that can make these cases complex and highly emotional. You do have to meet certain criteria to qualify for grandparents’ rights in Colorado. You may be able to seek visitation with your grandchildren if their parent passes away and the other parent is keeping them from you, a non-parent currently has custody, or the child’s parents have divorced and your time with the child has been revoked.
If you need to know what your rights are as a grandparent relating to visitation of your grandkids then read our information on grandparents’ legal rights.

Adoption is a beautiful way to give a child a home and grow your family. No matter which type of adoption you are pursuing, it is crucial to work with an attorney who can navigate this complex area of family law. There are several types of adoptions recognized in Colorado. A foster adoption may occur after a biological parent’s rights are legally terminated and the foster parent chooses to adopt the child in their care. International adoption generally requires assistance from attorneys in both countries. Families pursuing private domestic adoption need a lawyer to protect their best interests as they seek to finalize their adoption. When a child is adopted by their grandparents, aunts or uncles, siblings, or extended family members, it’s referred to as kinship adoption. Stepparent adoption allows a stepparent who has taken on an important parental role to adopt their stepchild if the child’s biological parent has given up their rights or had their rights terminated. Adoption is complex, and there are many ways that the smoothest adoption can fall apart. Find out how our firm can help you with your adoption case.
Learn More About Adoptions

Marital Agreements
Marital Agreements
When you get married, divorce is an impossible thought. But for nearly half of all marriages, divorce is the eventual outcome. Marital agreements, more commonly known as prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, are contracts that can protect both parties in the event of a divorce. It’s important to work closely with an attorney in the drafting or review of these documents. You want to ensure that your best interests are protected, but you also want a legally enforceable contract. One-sided or vague marital agreements can get thrown out.
Learn more about your marital agreement options.

Family Law Violations
Family Law Violations
Having an agreement isn’t always enough. If you have a combative or uncooperative ex-spouse or co-parent, you could have years of family law violations to deal with. Refusing to pay for their share of medical bills, not paying spousal or child support, withholding your child at exchange time, and otherwise going against the clear terms of your agreement are issues that must be addressed. Let us help you find solutions to your ex’s family law violations.

Common Law Marriage
Common Law Marriage
Most states don’t recognize common law marriage, but Colorado does. It’s a complex analysis that does not rely on just one factor but a totality of factors and is in the discretion of a court to decide whether a common law marriage exists. Some factors include: whether a couple lived and held themselves out as a married couple, engaged socially with others as a married couple, received benefits for the other, and purchased property together, paid joint taxes, as well as many other factors. However, common law marriages present unique legal challenges, particularly when a couple splits up or has disputes about the status of their relationship. Our firm is here to help you with your concerns about your common-law marriage.