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Colorado Springs Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

At ELKUS & SISSON, P.C., our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience to navigating complex legal challenges with precision and dedication.

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There is nothing like the thrill of the open road and the freedom you feel when it’s just you and your motorcycle. While riding is exhilarating, it comes with extra risks. Motorcyclists are at much greater risk of serious or fatal injuries than passengers and drivers of passenger vehicles, and a significant amount of drivers fail to use additional caution when motorcyclists are present.

Should you be involved in an accident, you have rights and you should absolutely assert them. We’re here to help. Call Colorado Accident Attorneys at 303-567-7981 to get started.

Motorcycle Accidents on the Rise

Motorcycle Accidents in Colorado Springs, CO

Motorcycle collisions account for a significant amount of traffic fatalities in Colorado Springs. Per the Colorado Springs Police Department, 2020 saw the highest number of deadly traffic crashes in the city. There were 51 fatalities and 15 of those came from motorcycle crashes. This follows a statewide trend that has seen motorcycle fatalities increase steadily over the past several years.

According to local news sources, there were 137 motorcyclist deaths statewide in 2021. By the time summer 2022 started, motorcyclist deaths were already up 6% from the year before. Police officers have urged drivers to check their blind spots carefully before changing lanes, since this simple act could prevent many serious motorcycle crashes in Colorado.

Serious and Fatal Injuries Are More Common in Motorcycle Collisions

When you compare motorcycles and cars, it’s obvious why motorcyclists are more likely to suffer severe injuries than people in conventional passenger vehicles. This type of vehicle offers no protection to the rider, leaving them to absorb the full force of the crash. As a result, motorcyclists have suffered these and other injuries after crashes:

  • Broken bones and complex fractures, particularly in the lower extremities
  • Amputations
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Ruptured organs
  • Facial injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries

Some of these injuries, such as internal bleeding, are not immediately obvious. They take time to build up and force the victim to seek medical care—and at that point, it may be too late. That’s why it’s so important to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible after a motorcycle collision. Taking this one extra step could catch serious injuries before they put your life at risk. Colorado Springs is home to many medical care facilities that serve accident victims, including UCHealth Urgent Care, St. Francis Medical Center, and UCHealth Emergency Care.

Personal Injury vs. Personal Liability Coverage: Do I Need Both

Who’s Liable for a Motorcycle Accident?

Liability is a key topic in any motorcycle crash, and it involves figuring out who is to blame for an accident and who has to pay for any resulting damages. If a driver is negligent and their negligence causes a crash, they will likely be found liable. A person may be liable if:

  • They had a duty to someone else and failed to uphold that duty—a reckless or careless driver fulfills this, as you’re expected to take reasonable steps to protect others while on the road
  • That failure led to an accident that caused injuries or property damage
  • Those injuries left an individual with measurable damages

For example, if a driver fails to check their blind spot and hits you as they change lanes, they would likely be found liable. The same is true if they rear end you at a stoplight because they were looking at their phone instead of the road, drive too fast for conditions and lose control of their vehicle, or don’t check for oncoming traffic before turning left.

Why You Should Choose Colorado Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Finding the right motorcycle accident lawyer for your claim can mean the difference between a negligible settlement and one that actually compensates you for everything you’ve lost in your accident. At Colorado Accident Attorneys, we take the responsibility of your case very seriously. We know what this claim means to you. It’s not just money; it’s a change to get your life back on track after someone else’s mistakes turned it upside down. That means that we won’t push you to accept a low settlement just to get a payment and close your case. At every step of the way, we will give you the advice we would give to a loved one in the same situation. We’ll explain your options and how they may affect your claim. Whether your case settles or goes to court, you can rest easy knowing that we have your best interests in mind.

Take the First Step Today and Contact Colorado Accident Attorneys

The sooner you connect with the team at Colorado Accident Attorneys, the sooner we can start researching your case. Let’s start by setting up a time to talk about what happened. Call us at 303-567-7981 or send us a message online right now.

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