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Aurora Car Accident Lawyer

At ELKUS & SISSON, P.C., our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience to navigating complex legal challenges with precision and dedication.

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You’ve been hurt in a car accident. Perhaps you’ve even already spoken to the at fault person’s insurance company, and everything seems good—they might have even offered a settlement already. That means you don’t need an attorney, right?

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. In fact, by talking to the at fault party’s insurance company, you may have already given them information they can use against you. Luckily, you have options. Our team of Aurora car accident attorneys knows how stressful this time can be, and we are committed to helping victims like you fight for fair compensation. From lost wages and medical bills to pain and suffering, we’ll work to get every dollar you deserve. Call Colorado Accident Attorneys at 303-567-7981 or fill out a contact form to take the first step.

Does Liability Insurance Cover You If It’s Not Your Fault

What You Need to Know About Car Accidents

First, car accidents are incredibly common in Colorado. There were over 121,000 crashes in 2021 alone, per the Colorado Department of Transportation. Over 21,000 of those are in Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas Counties, where Aurora is located. Despite the fact that driving technology is advancing rapidly and making roads safer for everyone, accident numbers simply aren’t coming down. Technology can’t ever replace human error, which is the root cause of the vast majority of car accidents.

Types of Car Accidents

There are several types of car accidents, each of which influence the injuries you sustain. Car accidents are often put into one of the following categories:

  • Rear-end: Rear-end accidents are the most common type of vehicle collision. If a driver’s foot slips off the brake at a stoplight or a distracted driver doesn’t look up in time, it’s all too easy to bump the car in front of them. Many rear-end collisions are fairly minor, resulting in no injuries. But collisions that happen at higher speeds can cause serious injuries.
  • Side-impact: Side-impact collisions include both sideswipe accidents and T-bone collisions. Sideswipe accidents are often minor, especially if the liable driver gets back into their lane at the first sign of impact. T-bone accidents, though, are often quite severe. These accidents often happen at high speeds and cause significant damage.
  • Head-on: These collisions are generally the most serious. When both vehicles are traveling at regular speed, the force of the crash is immense. Fatal and severe injuries are often the result.
  • Multi-vehicle: This term is generally used to mean any crash involving more than two vehicles. Pileups are extremely complex, as liability is hard to determine and getting compensation can be a challenge.
  • Single-vehicle: Single-vehicle crashes may occur when a driver is impaired or distracted, when there is inclement weather, or where visibility is limited.

Compensation for Car Accident Victims

Aurora car accident victims may be entitled to several types of compensation after a crash. A lot depends on the severity of your injuries and how strong your case is. Compensation may be awarded for:

  • Medical bills, travel expenses, over-the-counter supplies, and other medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Disfigurement or disability
  • In severe injury claims, future medical costs and future lost earning opportunities

Some of these costs are easy to calculate—for example, medical expenses and lost wages. Those serve as the foundation for calculating more challenging types of compensation, such as pain and suffering.

The Presumption of Fault in Rear-End Accidents

Why You Need an Attorney After an Aurora Car Accident

If you’re entitled to compensation, how do you go about collecting it? You start by reaching out to Colorado Accident Attorneys to talk to our team of Aurora car accident lawyers. The at fault party’s insurance company might claim to have your best interests at heart. They may even sound sympathetic about your injuries and sorry for their client’s actions. This could be a strategy to influence you for their benefit. Here is where Colorado Accident Attorneys can help.

With Colorado Accident Attorneys, you can avoid falling into traps. We know how insurance companies deny accident victims fair compensation, and more importantly, we know what it takes to bring them to the negotiating table in good faith. Whether your claim settles out of court or results in a lawsuit, we’re with you every step of the way.

Start Your Claim With an Experienced Attorney

You may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain right now, but don’t let that stop you from protecting yourself after a car accident. We’re here to advocate for you and pursue the compensation you are owed. To schedule your free consultation, call us at 303-567-7981 or send us a message online.

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