Colorado Springs Uber & Lyft Accident Attorney
At ELKUS & SISSON, P.C., our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of experience to navigating complex legal challenges with precision and dedication.

If you regularly use rideshare services in Colorado Springs, your biggest concern may be your rider rating and if you’ll be able to get your rides picked up—that is, until you’re involved in an accident. When you’re hurt in an Uber or Lyft accident, issues like uncomfortable seats or a low driver rating no longer matter quite as much.
The good news is that you don’t have to figure out your accident claim on your own. Contact Colorado Accident Attorneys at 303-567-7981 to start your claim right now.
Why You Need a Rideshare Accident Lawyer
While it’s important to reach out to a personal injury lawyer after any type of accident-related injury, we believe it is particularly crucial after an Uber or Lyft accident. In these types of collisions, there are multiple potential liable parties. As you may expect, none of them want to claim liability and pay up. Without someone there to advocate for you, you could get passed back and forth between the rideshare company and the insurance company without actually getting any compensation.
Once you get a lawyer involved, everything changes. These companies then know that they are facing the very real threat of a lawsuit, which costs them a lot of money in legal fees and an eventual court award. By building an ironclad case that proves their client’s negligence and your losses, we put ourselves in a position to negotiate for the money you truly deserve.
The team at Colorado Accident Attorneys has seen firsthand how rideshare accidents can completely change a victim’s life. The fallout from these accidents is expensive, and without a fair settlement or court award, you could end up shouldering those expenses yourself. Let us help you pursue what you are owed.
Legal Aspects of a Rideshare Accident
If you’ve never been in a rideshare accident before, this incident has likely brought up questions you’ve never even considered. Whose insurance is responsible for your damages? Do you report the accident to Uber/Lyft or not? Are you entitled to damages at all?
Luckily, legislators across the country have addressed this on a statewide level. In Colorado, there are many criminal convictions that will automatically bar someone from working as a rideshare contractor. Additionally, drivers must provide proof of a medical exam that states they are fit to drive. Their vehicle must also go through a rigorous mechanical inspection.
Insurance requirements are quite steep for rideshare drivers—companies generally cover these requirements on their own in order to protect themselves from lawsuits. Legally, either a driver or the rideshare company can provide this coverage. In reality, most people just accept Uber/Lyft coverage.
Colorado law recognizes three stages of a rideshare driver’s ride: offline, in-app, or in ride. A driver is offline if they do not have the app open and are not working. This is when their personal insurance coverage is in effect. Once they turn the app on and are actively waiting for a ride, Uber and Lyft provide coverage of $50,000/$100,000/$30,000. As soon as a driver accepts a ride, a policy of $1 million goes into effect and remains in effect until the ride is completed.
Types of Compensation You May Receive
One of the most common questions we get after a rideshare accident is, “How much is my accident worth?” We really need to look at your case to give you a fair answer to that question. There are a wide range of factors that complicate any car accident claim, including the role that both drivers played in the crash, how much evidence you have at your disposal, the extent of your injuries, and how well you have documented your injuries. Ideally, you’ll start tracking the progress of your injuries immediately after an accident and provide all available evidence to your attorney. A successful claim may yield compensation for:
- Medical bills and related expenses, including travel costs, over-the-counter supplies, and adaptive equipment
- Lost wages and income, as well as lost future income if you are permanently unable to work
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Disability and disfigurement
- Emotional trauma
Reach Out to Our Colorado Springs Rideshare Accident Attorneys and Set Up Your Free Consultation
If you’re ready to demand justice for your Uber or Lyft accident and you’re not sure how to make that happen, it’s time to talk to the team at Colorado Accident Attorneys. Our team’s experience and knowledge of Colorado law makes us the natural choice for your car accident claim. We’re ready to fight for everything you’ve lost, from lost wages and medical bills to pain and suffering. Schedule your consultation now by calling us at 303-567-7981 or sending us a quick message online.
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